Make A Difference Delaware County is November 18 

Delaware, Ohio – Connections Volunteer Center’s Make A Difference Delaware County (MDDC) – the largest single day of volunteering in Delaware County – will take place on Saturday, Nov. 18, 9 a.m. to noon.

In its 17th year, MDDC seeks to cultivate a healthier Delaware County through volunteerism by serving older adults 55+ in need. Last year, over 400 volunteers of all ages participated to complete 94 service projects including leaf raking and basic yard maintenance.

MDDC Coordinator Colleen Dennis says the event has become a community tradition.

“It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of our everyday lives,” said Dennis, “MDDC is a way to pause, break from the normal routine, meet new people, and collectively work together.”

Interested volunteers can register for MDDC through Saturday, Oct. 31, 2023, at (click on the GetConnected button) or contact Connections Volunteer Center at (740) 363-5000. Once registered, volunteers will pick up their job assignments and pre-selected t-shirt or hat the week prior to the event.

Dennis says that research has shown that the human brain needs connection with others to combat loneliness and depression. Better mental health results in better overall physical well-being. MDDC gives volunteers the opportunity to connect with one another and for recipients to be reminded that they are seen and valued in our community.

“Some of the older adults we serve are homebound and they look forward to receiving extra help during this time of year from the MDDC volunteers,” said Dennis. “Our volunteers are warmly welcomed and appreciated; many of them have commented that there is nothing better than the feeling they get from giving back to others.”

Special thanks to the 2023 MDDC sponsors: SourcePoint, District Image/ Big Walnut Apparel, Jim Roesch of Creative Financial Insurance, RedBuilt, Amanda and Brian Denney of Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial, Jessica Forman of Forman Insurance Agency, Inc., and Sheetz.

About Connections Volunteer Center

Connections Volunteer Center, a program of HelpLine, bridges the gap between passionate volunteers and community needs by helping nonprofits focus on what matters most – people and older adults lead fulfilling and supported lives. We partner with more than 60 nonprofits who address some of the most pressing social issues and together, we make a collective difference. Professional development is also offered to help community champions, social workers and counselors, move good forward. Over its 25-

year history, Connections has matched more than 19,000 volunteers and invested more than $8 million dollars back into the Delaware County. To learn more, visit


Suzanne Pingry, Connections Program Director

Connections Volunteer Center
P: 740.363.5000
F: 740.369.0351

Tamika Vinson-Reid, Marketing and Development Director
P: 740.363.1835, ext. 305
F: 740.369.0358